Hop, Skip and Jump your way round Winchester this Easter, following the Bunny Hop trail and searching for egg-shaped clues. Look out for special events* during the trail such as singing ‘Eggs on [...]
On Friday 12th February, we were pleased to present Spare Change for Real Change with a cheque for £1,500. We work closely with the Charity, founded by local organisations Trinity and the [...]
Winchester BID is fiercely proud of the Independent shopping scene in the city and makes a huge effort to support independent businesses. That’s why we are delighted to be sponsoring the [...]
The BID has consistently called for the High Street market to be reduced in number and its current location reviewed. Following further discussions with the BID last month, the Council is set to [...]
If you, being a better person than me, have been battling through Dry January then congratulations – the end is in sight! As you probably already know Winchester BID have teamed up with local [...]
Winchester BID Lobby’s City Council to Review Markets Strategy The BID has consistently called for the markets to be reduced in number and removed from the High Street, and the Council is now [...]
This evening Winchester BID join forces with their long term partners Hampshire Chronicle and the Hampshire Chamber of Commerce to launch the 14th annual Winchester Business Excellence Awards. [...]
From 27th January 2016, Kingsgate Street from Roman Road to College Street will be closed due to footway reconstruction. The work will be expected to last for 12 weeks, but the access gate on [...]
The Winchester Business Improvement District (BID) represents over 760 businesses in the city. Winchester BID understands that the National Planning Policy Framework allows for [...]
The Winchester BID represents over 760 businesses in the city, a third of which are independent. Winchester BID understands that the National Planning Policy Framework allows for considerable [...]