Enterprise M3 LEP are conducting a survey to gather views from businesses about our digital economy, which was revealed in our 2015 digital technologies report to be very significant in our LEP area. Specifically, we are keen to find out the various ways organisations use digital technologies – whether they are high-tech businesses or just starting to use a website. We are also interested in assessing what organisations need to help them transform digitally. They might need basic digital training for their staff, or highly specialised STEM graduates, flexible business premises or faster broadband; we want to know how we can support them to take advantage of digital opportunities and drive growth.
You can take the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/enterprisem3digital. The survey should take around 5 minutes to complete.
The results of the survey will feed into our Strategic Economic Plan, which informs our future direction of travel in digital policy and serves as a framework to guide our funding and other relevant decisions. Your feedback, which will be very much appreciated, will be anonymised as findings are published in aggregate terms. We will report the headline results from the survey after it closes on Monday 24 April 2017.
If you would like to discuss your participation in the survey, or have any other query, please contact Lucy Crabtree (lucy.crabtree@enterprisem3.org.uk; 01962 846 226).