In Ballot 2022, News

*This post was last updated 12 September 2022.

2022 is a crucial year for Winchester Business Improvement District (BID) as a ballot will be held in the autumn to determine the future of the BID. Every five years, BID member businesses are able to vote to continue the BID for a subsequent five-year term, based on a set of proposals.

What is a Business Improvement District (BID)?
BIDs are business-led partnerships which deliver projects and services to local businesses beyond the statutory responsibilities of public bodies. They are legally established, voted for in a ballot process and they are funded by a levy derived from a percentage of rateable value. BIDs are established within a defined geographical boundary and usually operate on a five-year cycle. Click here for information and guidance on BIDs from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) on Gov.UK

The Winchester BID
The BID in Winchester has been operating since 1 April 2008. It has enabled over £7 million to be invested in projects and services to improve the city centre as a business location, as well as over £750,000 more in grants, sponsorship and project generated income. Winchester BID has delivered two business plans over two terms of five years and is now in the final year of its third term. Proposals have been developed for a fourth term of the BID, to operate from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2028.

Business Plan for a Fourth Term of the Winchester BID 2023-2028
This business plan has been developed through a continuous dialogue between the BID Board of Directors, the BID team and BID members. Together we have been instrumental in enabling Winchester to evolve over the past 15 years and respond to the changing needs of the local business community and the place management agenda. Independent research undertaken with BID members in autumn 2021 has helped the BID to focus its proposals for a fourth term. BID members at the local and national level have had the opportunity to engage and feedback into the process of creating this business plan. We appreciate that communications preferences differ and so we have used a variety of methods to capture insight: surveys, e-communications, meet and greets, social media, annual reviews, annual general meeting, business forums, meetings and networking groups, and online. Click here to view the Business Plan for a Fourth Term of the Winchester BID 2023-2028.

The BID Ballot Autumn 2022
The person, registered company or organisation who is the ratepayer for non-domestic rates of a hereditament within the BID area as at the notice of ballot, and therefore liable to pay an annual BID levy, is entitled to vote. Each person entitled to vote shall have one vote in respect of each hereditament in the geographical area of the BID on which non-domestic rates are payable. The ballot has to meet two tests. First, a simple majority of those voting must vote in favour. Second, the aggregate rateable value of the hereditaments of those voting in favour must exceed the aggregate rateable value of the hereditaments of those voting against. Visit our useful ballot FAQs page.

  • Business Plan 2023-2028 launch event, 21 September 2022
  • Notice of ballot, 22 September 2022
  • Postal ballot opens, 7 October 2022
  • Postal ballot closes, 3 November 2022
  • Results announced, 4 November 2022

What would Winchester look like without the BID?
Without the collective investment of the BID the experience that customers, clients, shoppers, employees and visitors have of Winchester would be notably different. Picture Winchester without the glorious and colourful floral hanging baskets during the summer, or without the beautiful lights and Christmas trees during the festive season. Imagine if there was no additional street cleaning or graffiti removal. Envisage a city without the BID Rangers and no coordination of Shopwatch or Pubwatch to help reduce business crime. Winchester would be so much less vibrant without the many events and festivals which unite the city, many of which the BID help support or indeed organise. The BID measure how the city is performing by way of footfall and car park sensors, the quarterly Business Barometer, vacancy rates and visitor surveys. The BID uses this information to develop our strategy and projects as well as to influence local authorities on improving access, the public realm and planning policies. We hold networking and training events, and many new companies have hatched from our base – Winchester Business Centre. We offer various packages for start-ups and small businesses and all income generated through the business centre is reinvested back into projects and services for BID members. We also have meeting room facilities which are free for BID members to access.

For more information or if you have any questions about the upcoming Winchester BID ballot 2022, please contact:

Video: A short guide on how to vote in the Winchester BID ballot.

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